At the New & Old Member Social, we’ll introduce you to the inner workings of the Blue Valley Quilters Guild. You’ll hear from the heads of the Program Committee, our Community Outreach ladies, the Library Ladies, and Membership. We’ll also explain what our Quilter’s Lab is all about, the UFO Program, and the 2025 Challenge. Are you interested in joining the 2025 Kansas City Star Blocks Sew Along? We’ll tell you about that too. Most importantly, we want you to feel comfortable using the technology we use. We encourage you to bring your devices, such as laptops, tablets, iPads, and Phones. We’ll help you discover how easy our processes are. To help us plan appropriately, please let us know if you plan to attend by sending an email to [email protected] or registering at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904054CAEA92DABFE3-54086352-newmember

UFO's Rules
Details & RULES
Details & RULES
- No Entry Fee
- Send a list of your defined UFO
projects (name, description, etc) to: [email protected] by January 30, 2025. (If unable to use email, provide your list in person to Sandy Vink or Vicki Cogan)- Number your project (1, 2, 3, etc)
- Divide your list between Small (< 45” square) and Large (> 45” square)
- List a minimum of 12 projects. Feel free to add more.
- Upon completion, email a picture of your completed item and your assigned number to [email protected]. Include any extra information per the prize categories listed below. If unable to email, you can show your picture/project to Sandy or Vicki at a general meeting or Sewing Lab. Texting will be available upon request. THIS IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE WE WILL POST YOUR PICTURES TO OUR FACEBOOK PAGE.
- Prizes will be awarded quarterly for the most completed projects that quarter.
- Completed UFOs will be assigned points according to the following categories:
- One point for Completion (small project)
- Two points for Completion (large project)
- Three points for Personal Project
- Five points for Charity project (i.e. Project Linus, QOV, BVQG Hospice, etc)
- Five points for completing project that was STARTED at a previous workshop class (BVQG, other quilt guild, or retail store) or Sewing Lab.
- Ten points for completing a project that was STARTED 5+ years ago. (Provide approx. date)
- Program Ends November 30, 2025. Prizes will be awarded at the Christmas party for:
- Most Total Points
- Highest percentage of completed projects (ex: 10 completed out of a list of 30 = 33%)
- The regular quarterly highest number of completed projects.
- Please note that all this is done on the honor system. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THIS INFORMATION WHEN YOU TURN IN YOUR PHOTO.
- Our goal is two-fold: One, to clean out your sewing rooms and Two, TO HAVE FUN!
- Questions? Call Sandy @ 620-792-9984 or Vicki @ 816-560-0749

1st Saturday Virtual Sew Day (Zoom)
Always the 1st Saturday of the month from 10-2pm CST on ZOOM.
Join us the first Saturday of each month for an all-day Zoom Sew Day. We go from 10am to 2pm (and often longer). Work on your favorite project from the comfort of your sewing room or lazy chair! We chat, give advice, show projects and have a great time!!! It's a great way to get to know others in the guild. The current Zoom link is always available from our Members Only page and is posted every month on our Facebook Featured page.
Always the 1st Saturday of the month from 10-2pm CST on ZOOM.
Join us the first Saturday of each month for an all-day Zoom Sew Day. We go from 10am to 2pm (and often longer). Work on your favorite project from the comfort of your sewing room or lazy chair! We chat, give advice, show projects and have a great time!!! It's a great way to get to know others in the guild. The current Zoom link is always available from our Members Only page and is posted every month on our Facebook Featured page.

Third Wednesday Quilters Lab
- The third Wednesday every month, members can meet in the Fellowship Hall at VOA. Gather at 9:00 a.m. CT, stay until 2:00 p.m. CT.
- Bring your own beverage, maybe a snack or two and/or a brown bag lunch OR visit one of the nearby eateries.
- Power cords, irons and boards will be available.
- Stay for the whole time or come and go as fits your schedule.
- We can admire W.I.P.s, solve technique problems, do work for other committees, or just visit.
- Check the Members Only Page for Signup Genius OR our Private Facebook page if Sign-Up genius is required for attendance.
- BVQG has an electric Accuquilt machine and dies always available for Member use at these 3rd Wednesday get togethers. Accuquilt Cutter and Accessories List as well as Learning Tips and Tricks List

Free Table
Bring your giveaway, quilt-related items to Guild meetings and place them on the Free Table. These can be items you no longer want or use and would like to share. Members can select items from the Free Table during the meeting.
Bring your giveaway, quilt-related items to Guild meetings and place them on the Free Table. These can be items you no longer want or use and would like to share. Members can select items from the Free Table during the meeting.

Quilter’s Lab - Quilting with Rulers led by Pat Conover
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 9:00-12:00
Bring your machine with a ruler foot specific to your machine. Bring at least one quilting ruler…straight one, and a curved one if you have it. Upon signing up, Pat will send you a suppply list. Please direct any questions to Pat at [email protected]
Pat will demonstrate and you will practice both geometric and free form techniques.
As usual we welcome open sewing and the Accuquilt will be available. If you are planning on using the Accuquilt, please state so in the comments.
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 9:00-12:00
Bring your machine with a ruler foot specific to your machine. Bring at least one quilting ruler…straight one, and a curved one if you have it. Upon signing up, Pat will send you a suppply list. Please direct any questions to Pat at [email protected]
Pat will demonstrate and you will practice both geometric and free form techniques.
As usual we welcome open sewing and the Accuquilt will be available. If you are planning on using the Accuquilt, please state so in the comments.

Pillow Possibilities II - Creating Pillow Shams with Patty Roskam
March 5, 2025 - 9:30am - 3pm at VOA
March 5, 2025 - 9:30am - 3pm at VOA
- Workshop Cost $30
- Limit: 20 students
- Do you have a quilt on your bed but don’t know how to dress it up? Just like jewelry with your clothing, pillows add punch and a finish to your bedroom. In this workshop we will make a flanged edge pillow sham. You pick the size, from standard to king. The back closure will either be a zipper or Velcro depending on what you want. The flange will be a contrast fabric. Instruction will also be given on working with home decorator fabrics where the flange is the same material. This is an intermediate class.
- Register in Sign-Up-Genius and state your payment method in the “Comments Box” (either paying with PayPal or sending a check). Payment must be made to hold your reservation.

Sandy Gard, National Quilt Show Judge
March 4 - 9:30 Meeting at VOA or via Zoom
Sandy has had a home-based sewing business for 21 years, and in 2007, became a long-arm quilter. In 2014, She entered the NQA Judging program. She has spent four years working with certified judges and judging quilt shows. She holds positions on four local quilt guild boards and is the judging coordinator for two. She believes quilting is a time-honored tradition and loves the history and the future of quilting as she promotes the tradition to new quilters of any age. Quilt judges understand that entrants are at different stages of their quilting journey. Sandy will explain how judges evaluate a quilt and how they look at many things: including color, design, piecing accuracy and construction, binding, quilting density, design choice and execution, tension, thread choice, starts and stops, appliqué skill and more. Quilt show judges don’t have the luxury of studying your quilt for hours on end. In most cases, they only have a few minutes to evaluate each quilt. Their critiques cite areas of strength and areas for improvement that they can note in that short time span. Unfortunately, the judges can’t really tell you how to fix a problem that they see—they only identify them. The judges then compare your quilt’s noted strengths and weaknesses against those of other quilts in the same category to rank the quilts for ribbons and awards.
March 4 - 9:30 Meeting at VOA or via Zoom
Sandy has had a home-based sewing business for 21 years, and in 2007, became a long-arm quilter. In 2014, She entered the NQA Judging program. She has spent four years working with certified judges and judging quilt shows. She holds positions on four local quilt guild boards and is the judging coordinator for two. She believes quilting is a time-honored tradition and loves the history and the future of quilting as she promotes the tradition to new quilters of any age. Quilt judges understand that entrants are at different stages of their quilting journey. Sandy will explain how judges evaluate a quilt and how they look at many things: including color, design, piecing accuracy and construction, binding, quilting density, design choice and execution, tension, thread choice, starts and stops, appliqué skill and more. Quilt show judges don’t have the luxury of studying your quilt for hours on end. In most cases, they only have a few minutes to evaluate each quilt. Their critiques cite areas of strength and areas for improvement that they can note in that short time span. Unfortunately, the judges can’t really tell you how to fix a problem that they see—they only identify them. The judges then compare your quilt’s noted strengths and weaknesses against those of other quilts in the same category to rank the quilts for ribbons and awards.
Gel Printing/Painting on Fabric Workshop open to members of BVQG and KCMQG.
Printing your own fabric designs opens up an entire new world, especially for quilters, & sewists. Until now, the process of printing on fabric with dyes seemed difficult to learn and even harder to implement and required lots of “stuff.” But that is not the case anymore. You don’t have to be an “ARTIST” to be successful. This is all about play and experimenting, the process of letting go. Gel printing is fun and a bit addicting!! You will create an astonishing array of designs, simply and safely, using textile paints and a variety of techniques.
Gel printing on fabric uses a gelatin plate to press an image onto fabric. We will begin with paper snd then move to fabric. So you will be able to create your own unique fabric art and more. |
What You Will Need for the Workshop:

Scott Flanagan, My Quilting Journey
- April 1st, 2025 at VOA
- 9:30am CT
- Meeting Presentation at VOA or attend via Zoom

Tuscan Vintage Quilt” Workshop with Scott Flanagan
Supply List: will be emailed to you as soon as you have registered on Sign-Up Genius and paid for the workshop. Pre-work cutting required.
Questions: Contact Diane Jennerich
- April 2, 2025
- 10am-4pm at VOA
- 9:30 set up machine
- Workshop Cost: $35
- Sign-up Genius opens on Feb 4th.
- $12 Required Pattern will be sold on April 1st & 2nd
- Maximum: 25 students
- Skill: Partial Seams
Supply List: will be emailed to you as soon as you have registered on Sign-Up Genius and paid for the workshop. Pre-work cutting required.
Questions: Contact Diane Jennerich
Subject to Change and more details they become available

Save the Dates!
Upcoming BVQG Retreats:
Sign up via signup genius on Members only page and private Facebook when available.
Upcoming BVQG Retreats:
Sign up via signup genius on Members only page and private Facebook when available.
- March 20-22, 2025 - 3 Day In-Town at KC Maker
- April 23, 20 - 1 Day In-Town at KC Maker - Carmen & Crew
- July 10-13 - 4 Day Overnight at the ArtNest
- September 13 - 1 Day In-Town at VOA - Carmen & Crew
- September 25-27 - 3 Day In-Town at KC Maker
- Oct. 30-Nov.2, 2025 - 4 day Overnight at Sew Sweet Quilt Retreat in Brunswick
- For Questions on any Retreat, contact Ibby Rollert or Lynn Droege
June July August September October November December |